The Louisiana Purchase-9 Histories
File Information:
File List:
- The Nation's Crucible-The Louisiana Purchase and the Creation of America-Peter J. Kastor.pdf 10.15 MB
- The Louisiana Purchase-A Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia-Junius P. Rodriguez.pdf 8.98 MB
- The Louisiana Purchase - Dennis B. Fradin.pdf 4.65 MB
- A Wilderness So Immense-The Louisiana Purchase and the Destiny of America-Jon Kukla.epub 4.49 MB
- Anthropology Goes to the Fair-The 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition - Nancy J. Parezo, Don D. Fowler.pdf 3.45 MB
- New Territories, New Perspectives-The Religious Impact of the Louisiana Purchase - Richard J. Callahan Jr..pdf 3.04 MB
- Mr. Jefferson's Lost Cause-Land, Farmers, Slavery, and the Louisiana Purchase - Roger G. Kennedy .pdf 1.23 MB
- Jefferson's Great Gamble-The Remarkable Story of Jefferson, Napoleon and the Men behind the Louisiana Purchase-Charles Cerami.pdf 851 KB
- The Louisiana Purchase-Thomas Fleming.pdf 429 KB
The Louisiana Purchase-9 Histories
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