[BBC] Короли и королевы [Kings & Queens]
File Information:
File List:
- 08 Карл I [Charles the First, 1625-1649].avi 350.33 MB
- 12 Елизавета II [Elizabeth the Second, 1952–Present].avi 350.20 MB
- 05 Ричард III [Richard the Third, 1483-1485].avi 350.19 MB
- 03 Эдуард I [Edward the First, 1272–1307].avi 350.18 MB
- 04 Генрих V [Henry the Fifth, 1413-1422].avi 350.17 MB
- 06 Генрих VIII [Henry the Eighth, 1509-1547].avi 350.14 MB
- 10 Георг III [George the Third, 1760-1820].avi 350.14 MB
- 02 Генрих II [Henry the Second, 1154–1189].avi 350.13 MB
- 11 Виктория [Victoria, 1837-1901].avi 350.12 MB
- 01 Вильгельм Завоеватель [William the Conqueror, 1066–1087].avi 350.12 MB
- 09 Карл II [Charles the Second, 1660-1685].avi 350.07 MB
- 07 Елизавета I [Elizabeth the First, 1558-1603].avi 350.06 MB
[BBC] Короли и королевы [Kings & Queens]
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